Corona Virus-This is really Harmful For economy in the world.God Save us-We are helpless..

Coronavirus: 'Difficult' cancer care decisions taken
Cancer doctors say difficult decisions are having to be made to postpone some patients' care during the coronavirus crisis. The
Story image for corona virus from New York Post
Dr. Fauci: I'm 'humble enough' to know other coronavirus ...
Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House task force, said he's “humble enough” to realize that other solutions to stem
Story image for corona virus from Science Magazine
'Suppress and lift': Hong Kong and Singapore say they have a ...
'Suppress and lift': Hong Kong and Singapore say they have a coronavirus strategy that works. By Dennis Normile Apr. 13,Story image for corona virus from The Guardian
Have I already had coronavirus? How would I know and what ...
Covid-19 symptoms vary widely, and undertesting in many countries means that many people may have already had the

Story image for corona virus from WKMG News 6 & ClickOrlando
CORONAVIRUS: Confirmed cases surpass 20000 as Florida ...
On Monday, the FDOH reported 470 fatalities from the coronavirus, with each county in Central Florida reporting at least two
Story image for corona virus from The Guardian
Eamonn Holmes criticised for giving credence to Covid-19 5G ...
Coronavirus: the week explained - sign up for our email newsletter. Read more. Viewers criticised the presenter's comments on
Story image for corona virus from Khaleej Times
Coronavirus: Expired UAE residency, visit visas to remain ...
... that all visas, entry permits and Emirates ID cards will remain valid until the end of 2020, as the country battles the Covid-19
Oregon coronavirus updates April 13: Cannabis sales surge ..PORTLAND, Ore. — Cases of COVID-19, a new strain of coronavirus, began popping up in the United States in January. On FebCoronavirus: Hand hacked off police officer enforcing ...
Coronavirus: Hand hacked off police officer enforcing lockdown in India. A sub inspector undergoes a seven hourStory image for corona virus from WCoronavirus Poised to Be Worse for Advertising, Media Than ...
Coronavirus Poised to Be Worse for Advertising, Media Than Last Recession. Ad spend, tied directly to the state of teconomy,
The tussle between Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Cuomo over the mayor’s decision to keep New York City’s schools closed for the rest of the academic year dragged into a third day on Monday.
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the closings on Saturday, but Mr. Cuomo insisted that the final decision was his and that it was
“We won’t open schools one minute sooner than they should be opened,” Mr. Cuomo said on Sunday, “but we won’t open schools one minute later than they should be opened, either.”
“Nobody knows what we will be doing in June,” he added, in a seeming rebuke to the mayor. 
Mr. de Blasio reiterated on Monday morning that he and the city schools chancellor, Richard A. Carranza, had the authority to make the decision to keep schools closed for the city’s 1.1 million schoolchildren.
“We’re not reopening schools,” he said on MSNBC. “It won’t be safe for all the people we’re supposed to protect, and our job,
When asked on WPIX-TV on Monday what confused parents should do, Mr. de Blasio said, “They should simply plan on the fact that they’ll be closed. I’m quite convinced that they will be and that’s the right thing to do.”
And Governor Cuomo also held to his position. In an interview on Monday on “The Howard Stern Show,” the governor repeated that the decision should be coordinated regionally.
“I cant have things happen that are mistakes,” he said, before suggesting that Mr. de Blasio was a ”local official” who had
Last month, Mr. Cuomo pre-empted Mr. de Blasio on the original decision to close schools, announcing it before Mr. de Blasio had a chance to do so. The two politicians have feuded for years.
He said the Trump administration was trying to find a fine line between the economic cost and the need to keep people from being infected through “physical separation” methods.
“That’s a consequence that you have to balance. The attempt to save as many lives as you can — what is known as a deleterious effect on the economy, which is the reason why right now we’re looking very carefully about how we can possibly in a safe way reopen the country to the economic opportunities that we have,” the infectious disease expert said.President Trump announced social distancing guidelines last month and a week later extended them until April 30 after health experts said the practice was helping to tamp down the number of cases.
he president said he is meeting with top health officers, business leaders and lawmakers to discuss reopening the economy by May 1.Nearly 17 million Americans have been laid off or furloughed in the past three weeks because of the pandemic.
we have a small favour to ask. More people, like you, are reading and supporting the Guardian’s independent, investigative journalism than ever before. And unlike many news organisations, we made the choice to keep our reporting open for all, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay.The Guardian will engage with the most critical issues of our time – from the escalating climate catastrophe to widespread inequality to the influence of big tech on our lives. At a time when factual information is a necessity, we believe that each of us, around the world, deserves access to accurate reporting with integrity at its heart.Our editorial independence means we set our own agenda and voice our own opinions. Guardian journalism is free from commercial and political bias and not influenced by billionaire owners or shareholders. This means we can give a voice to those less heard, explore where others turn away, and rigorously challenge those in power.
Despite setbacks, Hong Kong’s and Singapore’s targeted strategies for fighting COVID-19 may yet succeed—and provide a model for other countries emerging from their first wave of cases. Until recently, the two cities had managed to keep their case numbers remarkably low while avoiding the extreme lockdowns implemented in China and many other countries. Both fought outbreaks through aggressive testing, isolating infected people, and tracing and quarantining their contacts. For everyone else, it was almost business as usual, with a bit of social distancing.
But case numbers spiked in the second half of March, and some observers feared the strategy had failed. Hong Kong had just 149 confirmed cases on 15 March; the tally reached 1005 yesterday. Singapore’s number grew from 226 on 15 March to 2532 yesterday. Neither city is seeing the explosive growth Italy, Spain, and many areas of the United States have witnessed. Their health care systems have not been overwhelmed. But both ramped up their responses. Hong Kong recently imposed restrictions on restaurants and closed bars entirely. Singapore has closed schools and nonessential businesses and instructed residents to stay home—a dramatic escalation.
A significant proportion of people who are totally asymptomatic are contagious for some portion of time. We just don’t know [for how long] at this point, because we don’t have the kind of testing available to screen for asymptomatic infections.

Coronavirus: the week explained - sign up for our email newsletter
 Read moreWhen people are symptomatic, they’re contagious. A day or two before they become symptomatic, they’re likely contagious as well. A virus builds up and starts to shed, and then after symptoms resolve, people can still be contagious for a couple of days. We have some evidence of viral shed even a couple of weeks after symptoms are resolved. It’s hard to know if that’s actual live virus, which is still able to infect somebody, or if that’s just dead virus that the body is shedding.
As Easter weekend comes to a close, the Florida Department of Health reports there are 20,601 people who have tested positive for coronavirus in the state -- 706 more confirmed cases than reported Sunday evening.
On Monday, the FDOH reported 470 fatalities from the coronavirus, with each county in Central Florida reporting at least two deaths related to the disease.
Roisin Pelan is 38 and lives in Lancashire. She has incurable breast cancer and takes chemotherapy tablets every day. Every three months she also visits the hospital to receive the drug intravenously.
Last month she was told her chemotherapy treatment would be stopped for 12 weeks.
"It's terrifying they've stopped treatment that I know is keeping me alive," she says.
"To have that taken away is just unbearable. How do we know it's only going to be 12 weeks? This pandemic could go on a lot longer."NHS England has told trusts that all essential and urgent cancer treatments must continue but specialists should discuss with patients whether it is riskier for them to undergo it or delay.
UAE announced on Monday that all visas, entry permits and Emirates ID cards will remain valid until the end of 2020, as the country battles the Covid-19 coronavirus.
Talking to the media in a virtual conference today on the Covid-19 situation in the country, Colonel Khamis Al Kaabi, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship spokesperson, said  that "all visas and entry permits - expiring on March 1 - shall remain valid until the end of December, 2020," he revealed.
The residency visa of expatriates, inside or outside the country and expiring on March 1, to stay valid until the end of the year.


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